Get Cool & Minimal Wallpapers With Whale Papers.

    Hey There, We all often change our device's look and struggle to find the perfect wallpaper that matches the overall theme. How about having a minimal and awesome wallpaper that matches the setup all on your own? In this article, we will see how to get cool & minimal wallpapers with Whale Papers.

Get Cool & Minimal Wallpapers With Whale Papers.

So, If you want to download a wallpaper that matches your taste, here is the cool and useful app that lets you do it very easily. We have also featured this app on Apps from Techniverse of February 2020.

You can download the Whale Papers app directly from here via Google Play Store.

Whale Papers is a cool wallpaper app that has a cool collection of minimalistic and abstract wallpapers. The collection in the app is unique and has a lot of beautiful wallpapers.

Get Cool & Minimal Wallpapers With Whale Papers.

Mostly there are three variations in color for every image available. Sometimes you love the look of the wallpaper but not the colors in them. Here there is a clear option to opt for your favorite color combination for your desired wallpaper.

Get Cool & Minimal Wallpapers With Whale Papers.

There is also a collections tab where you can find wallpapers from your desired set of grouped collections. The images in the app mainly have a flat minimal look which is so good to use as wallpapers.

The wallpapers here are hand-made vector-style simple wallpapers with high resolution. The most beautiful free wallpaper app that most of us ever witnessed. Along with these amazing wallpapers the UI is minimal too.

Get Cool & Minimal Wallpapers With Whale Papers.

If you are searching for some cool, minimal, and unique wallpapers, then this is the app you have to check out.

Here is the video on Apps from Techniverse [February 2020] featuring the Whale Papers app mentioned above on our own YouTube channel. Do watch it to know more information about this app.


Overall, We think it will be pretty much a useful app for almost all of us. If you know any other best alternatives for this app, tell us about them in the comments below!

So, That was all to have cool minimal wallpapers. Keep supporting Techniverse Spotted for more cool and interesting stuff.

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