Hey There, We all use WhatsApp very frequently. The images and videos we receive via WhatsApp are stored in your default gallery and we have all the files mixed in the default gallery, WhatsGallery comes to the rescue in such scenes. In this article, we will see the ultimate gallery for WhatsApp.
So, If you want a powerful gallery to manage your WhatsApp files, here is the cool and useful app that lets you do it very easily. We have also featured this app on Apps from Techniverse of June 2020.
We also have the option to download stories of your friends. Not just downloading we can also view and can even upload the status directly in your WhatsApp or even other social media accounts too.
Finding and searching for the files is obviously an annoying job to do and sometimes we badly need a clean organizer that shows the files you wanted to search with a tap.
If you want a powerful gallery to manage your WhatsApp files, then this is the app you have to check out.
So, If you want a powerful gallery to manage your WhatsApp files, here is the cool and useful app that lets you do it very easily. We have also featured this app on Apps from Techniverse of June 2020.
You can download the WhatsGallery app directly from here via Google Play Store.
WhatsGallery is a dedicated gallery meant only to view and manage WhatsApp files. With this app, we can find all the images, videos, GIFs, and stickers in a single place.
The best feature I loved in this app is we can also manage the sent files. These sent files usually take up a lot of memory on our devices and deleting them manually from the files manager is a filthy job, at least for me.
The best feature I loved in this app is we can also manage the sent files. These sent files usually take up a lot of memory on our devices and deleting them manually from the files manager is a filthy job, at least for me.
We also have the option to download stories of your friends. Not just downloading we can also view and can even upload the status directly in your WhatsApp or even other social media accounts too.
Finding and searching for the files is obviously an annoying job to do and sometimes we badly need a clean organizer that shows the files you wanted to search with a tap.
If you want a powerful gallery to manage your WhatsApp files, then this is the app you have to check out.
Here is the video on Apps from Techniverse [June 2020] featuring the WhatsGallery app mentioned above on our own YouTube channel. Do watch it to know more information about this app.
Overall, We think it will be pretty much a useful app for almost all of us. If you know any other best alternatives for this app, tell us about them in the comments below!
So, That was all about a dedicated gallery to manage your WhatsApp files. Keep supporting Techniverse Spotted for more cool and interesting stuff.
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