Share Clean URLs With One Extra Tap.

    Hey There, We usually share a lot of URLs and most of them have a lot of tracking parameters attached which makes the URL clumsy and lengthy. Most of us often regret the same and seek a solution for the same. In this article, we will see how to share clean URLs with one extra tap.

Share Clean URLs With One Extra Tap.

So, If you want to share clutter-free URLs online, here is the cool and useful app that lets you do it very easily. We have also featured this app on Apps from Techniverse of September 2020.

You can download the Clean Share app directly from here via Google Play Store.

Clean Share is a simple tool to help remove the tracking parameters of URL when sharing. We usually share a lot of URLs digitally and generally the URLs we share have a lot of tracking parameters attached which makes the URL clumsy and lengthy at the same time.

Share Clean URLs With One Extra Tap.

The tracking parameters do not provide any value to the URL if you just have an intention to reach out to the destination URL and nothing else.

All the affiliate tracking parameters and the sorted quick links will be removed from the URL and the end URL generated by this app has only the main clean URL to the destination without all those extra stuff.

Share Clean URLs With One Extra Tap.

It is really simple to use this app. While you are sharing any URL do not directly share it just choose Clean Share from the application list when sharing URL.

This app removes unnecessary parameters and generates a simple cleaned URL, then you can re-share the cleaned-up URL from this app directly to other apps.

Share Clean URLs With One Extra Tap.

If you want to share clutter-free URLs online without any tracking parameters, then this is the app you have to check out.

Here is the video on Apps from Techniverse [September 2020] featuring the Clean Share app mentioned above on our own YouTube channel. Do watch it to know more information about this app.


Overall, We think it will be pretty much a useful app for almost all of us. If you know any other best alternatives for this app, tell us about them in the comments below!

So, That was all to share clean URLs online. Keep supporting Techniverse Spotted for more cool and interesting stuff.

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