Hey There, We all sometimes face a problem in using our mobiles in public and try many ways to keep up our privacy from sneakers. In this article, we will see how to enhance your privacy with a Fake Screen.
So, If you want to save your private files or chats from sneakers, here is the cool and useful app that lets you do it very easily. We have also featured this app on Apps from Techniverse of Early 2020.
Once you do that, click on the start button. Then you will be given this controller by which you can control the opacity of the photo.
The photo you import from your gallery will just be a layer up on your screen. I suggest using a screenshot from an article. Now the sneaky guy behind you won't be able to sneak on your private messages. It's a clean and working app to prevent someone from looking at screen contents.
This function prevents others from viewing the currently running application to maintain secrecy at work or to sneak secretly in class. I strongly think this App surely enhances our privacy.
If you want to maintain privacy in public and don't want others to sneak on your mobile, then this is the app you have to check out.
So, If you want to save your private files or chats from sneakers, here is the cool and useful app that lets you do it very easily. We have also featured this app on Apps from Techniverse of Early 2020.
You can download the Fake Screen app directly from here via Google Play Store.
Fake Screen is an app that actually creates a fake screen layer on your main display to enhance privacy. This app is just used to secure and improve your privacy. This app creates a layer between the user and the actual display, just open the app and select an image from your gallery.
Once you do that, click on the start button. Then you will be given this controller by which you can control the opacity of the photo.
The photo you import from your gallery will just be a layer up on your screen. I suggest using a screenshot from an article. Now the sneaky guy behind you won't be able to sneak on your private messages. It's a clean and working app to prevent someone from looking at screen contents.
This function prevents others from viewing the currently running application to maintain secrecy at work or to sneak secretly in class. I strongly think this App surely enhances our privacy.
If you want to maintain privacy in public and don't want others to sneak on your mobile, then this is the app you have to check out.
Here is the video on Apps from Techniverse [Early 2020] featuring the Fake Screen app mentioned above on our own YouTube channel. Do watch it to know more information about this app.
Overall, We think it will be pretty much a useful app for almost all of us. If you know any other best alternatives for this app, tell us about them in the comments below!
So, That was all to enhance your privacy with a simple app. Keep supporting Techniverse Spotted for more cool and interesting stuff.
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